Omkring jubilæumsutstillingens aapning

Weitere Titel: Kristiana-revy
Omkring jubileumsutstillingens åpning
Around the opening of the 100th Anniversary Exhibition
Genre: Documentary film
Jahr: 1914
Dauer: 00:15:12
Beschreibung: Various clips from Oslo 1912-14. The opening of the 100th Anniversary Exhibition, May 15, 1914, with people waiting to get in. Market stalls and trade in Oslo city centre. The departure of one of The Norwegian America Line's cruisers. A boat ride down the Akerselven.
Schlüsselwörter: EFG1914 / World War I
Anbieter: Nasjonalbiblioteket
Rechte: Not Copyright protected
Produktionsfirma: Christiania Film Co.
Farbe: Black & White
Ton: Without sound
Originalformat: Image/x-dpx
Language: no